ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Salvador Mundi (Leonardo)

Okay kiddo, so there was a very famous painter named Leonardo da Vinci who lived a long time ago. He was really good at painting so many things, like people, animals, and even buildings!

One of his famous paintings is called "Salvator Mundi" which means "Savior of the World" in Latin. This painting shows a man named Jesus with a fancy robe and holding a crystal ball. It's like he's saying "I am here to save the world."

This special painting was lost for a long time, but then it was found again in 2005. People were so excited because they thought it was made by Leonardo himself! But some experts are still trying to figure out if it really was him who painted it.

Nowadays, the "Salvator Mundi" painting is very famous and valuable. It was bought by someone for more than $450 million dollars! That's a LOT of money, even for a grown-up. So you can imagine how special and important this painting is to many people around the world.