ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Samson is a character from a book called the Bible. He was a guy who was very strong, like Superman! He was so strong that he could pick up really heavy things, even things that normal people couldn't.

But Samson also had a secret that made him even stronger. He had long hair that had never been cut. His hair made him so strong that he could fight off whole armies by himself!

One day, Samson met a woman who he liked very much. Her name was Delilah. But Delilah was not a good person. She wanted to find out Samson's secret so that she could sell it to his enemies. So she asked him many times what his secret was, but Samson wouldn't tell her.

Finally, Samson told Delilah his secret. He said that his hair was the source of all his strength. So Delilah cut his hair while he was sleeping, and Samson became weak. His enemies were able to capture him and they treated him very badly.

But in the end, Samson found his strength again. He was able to break free from his enemies and defeat them. He learned that you should never tell your secrets to someone who might use them against you.