Okay kiddo, a long time ago in the early 1900s, there was an area in the country called the Ottoman Empire. This area included different countries and people of different backgrounds and religions.
One group of people, called the Armenians, lived in the region of Anatolia, which is now present-day Turkey. The Ottoman government, which was ruled by Muslim Turks, didn't like the Armenians because they were Christian and different from them.
In 1915, the Ottoman government ordered the deportation and killing of Armenians from the region. It was a very sad and scary time for the Armenians.
The Armenians were forced to leave their homes and belongings and walk many miles without enough food or water. Many people died from exhaustion, sickness, or were killed by the Ottoman soldiers.
This event is known as the Armenian Genocide or the Samsun Deportations. It's important to remember these events, so we don't repeat them in the future and we can recognize the value of every human life, no matter their religion or background.