ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Samuel Gee

Alright kiddo, so Samuel Gee was a doctor who lived a long, long time ago. He was a really smart man who liked to study things that made people sick.

One day, he noticed that a lot of people who ate food made from wheat, like bread and pasta, were getting really sick. They would have stomach aches, throw up, and have trouble going to the bathroom.

Samuel Gee figured out that these people had something called celiac disease. Celiac disease means that your body can't handle gluten, which is a type of protein that's found in wheat. When people with celiac disease eat something with gluten, it makes them really sick.

So, Samuel Gee told everyone about celiac disease and helped people figure out how to live without gluten. People with celiac disease still can't eat wheat, but now they can eat all sorts of yummy food made from other things like rice and corn.

Thanks to Samuel Gee, we know a lot more about celiac disease today and how to help people who have it. Isn't that cool?