ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sanskrit grammarians

Sanskrit is a very old language that people used to speak in ancient India. People wanted to study this language very carefully so they could understand it better. They called the people who studied it "Sanskrit grammarians."

These Sanskrit grammarians were like detectives who looked at every word in the language to figure out how it works. They took the language apart and studied each part of it very closely. For example, they looked at the different shapes that words can take, and they figured out what each shape meant. They also looked at the different parts of a sentence and studied how they fit together.

The Sanskrit grammarians were like scientists, discovering new things about the language by studying it carefully. They wrote books explaining what they had learned, so other people could understand it too. This way, the knowledge about Sanskrit grew and grew, and people were able to use the language better and better.

In summary, Sanskrit grammarians are people who study the Sanskrit language very closely, taking it apart to better understand how it works, and sharing their discoveries with others.