ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Santa Ana Drags

Have you ever heard of a "drag" before? A drag is something that can slow you down or make it harder for you to do something. Well, a Santa Ana drag is a really strong wind that blows in certain parts of the world, but mostly in Southern California.

This wind is special because it blows really fast and really hot, like a hair dryer. It can make it difficult for people to breathe because it blows around a lot of dust and smoke. It can even make it hard to see because the dust and smoke can make the air look hazy.

Santa Ana drags usually happen in the fall and winter months when the air is cooler, but the wind is still warm. Because of how strong and hot it is, this wind can make it easier for fires to start and spread.

So, in order to be safe during Santa Ana drags, people need to be extra careful with things that can start fires like matches and cigarettes. They should also stay inside as much as possible and avoid breathing in the dusty air.

Overall, a Santa Ana drag is a really strong and hot wind that blows in Southern California and can make things like fires more dangerous. It's important to stay safe during these times by being careful around sources of fire and staying indoors as much as possible.