ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Saraiki alphabet

Okay kiddo, so you know how when we write in English, we use letters like A, B, C, D, right? Well, in different parts of the world, people use different letters to write down their languages.

In a place called Pakistan, there are a lot of different languages spoken. One of those languages is called Saraiki. To write down Saraiki, people use a special set of letters called the Saraiki alphabet.

The Saraiki alphabet has 52 letters! That's a lot more than the 26 letters we have in English. Each letter in the Saraiki alphabet makes a slightly different sound, kind of like how the letters in English can make different sounds like "ah" or "ee" or "ss".

The Saraiki alphabet looks different than the English alphabet too. Some of the letters are round, some are squiggly, and some have little dots on them. But even though the letters look different, people who speak Saraiki can still read and understand them just like we can read and understand the letters in English.

So that's the Saraiki alphabet! It's a special set of letters that people use to write down the Saraiki language.