ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sard's theorem

Okay kiddo, have you ever played with puzzles? Well, mathematicians love puzzles too, and some of the hardest puzzles are about shapes called "manifolds." These are super fancy shapes that are like stretchy, twisty play-doh - you can bend them and squash them and change their shape, but they're still the same basic shape.

But manifolds are sooo complicated, even grown-ups have to work really hard to understand them. One thing mathematicians like to do is try to figure out if two manifolds are actually the same shape - like if two people have the same face, but one wears a hat and the other doesn't.

And that's where Sard's Theorem comes in. It says that if you have a smooth function (which just means a function that's really nice and curved) from one manifold to another one, then the set of points where this function sends a certain kind of shape (a "critical point") is really special.

What's a critical point, you ask? Well, remember how we said that manifolds are stretchy, twisty shapes? Well, imagine trying to put a ball on a stretchy shape - there might be some points where the ball doesn't change shape at all, because the stretchiness is canceling out the ball's roundness. Those "still point" are critical points!

Anyway, Sard's Theorem says that if there aren't TOO MANY of these critical points, then the original manifold and the one it's mapped to are pretty much the same shape! So it helps mathematicians figure out when shapes are the same, even when they're really complicated and hard to understand.
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