ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sarkaria Commission

Okay kiddo, so the Sarkaria Commission was a group of very smart grown-ups who were asked to look at how the government works in India. They wanted to see if everything was fair and if people were being treated well.

The grown-ups were given a lot of important responsibilities like looking at how the government is run in different states and making suggestions on how to fix any problems they found.

They wanted to make sure that everyone's voices were heard and that people were treated equally, no matter where they lived in India. They also looked at how different groups like women, minorities, and kids were being treated by the government.

They did a lot of hard work and after a long time, they finally made a report with all their suggestions on how to make things better. The report was given to the government so they could try to make changes based on what the Sarkaria Commission found.

So basically, the Sarkaria Commission was a group of grown-ups who looked at how the government in India works and made suggestions on how to make it better for everyone.