ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sartor Faqir

Well, a sartor is someone who makes clothes. And a faqir is someone who leads a simple and humble life. So when you put those two words together, you get sartor faqir, which basically means someone who makes clothes but lives a very simple and humble life.

Imagine if you had a friend who knew how to sew really well and could make you a really cool shirt or dress. But instead of living in a big fancy house with lots of expensive things, they chose to live in a small and modest home with only the things they really needed. That would be what you call a sartor faqir.

Basically, it's someone who has a special skill or talent, but they choose to live a simple and humble lifestyle. They might not have all the fancy luxuries that some people have, but they're happy with what they have and they're really good at making clothes.