ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Saryarka — Steppe and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan

Saryarka is a really big area in northern Kazakhstan that has lots of grassy fields and some big puddles called lakes. The grassy fields are called steppe, but they're not like normal fields because there are no trees or bushes, just lots of tall grass. The lakes are really big and have lots of different kinds of animals living in them like fish and birds.

The steppe is important because lots of animals like antelopes and wild horses live there and they need the grass to eat. People who live nearby also use the steppe to raise animals like sheep and cows, and some even hunt the animals that live in the steppe for food.

The lakes are important because they have lots of water which is good for animals to drink and use for other things like swimming and fishing. Many different kinds of birds live near the lakes and they use the water to find food like fish. People who live nearby also use the lakes for fishing and boating.

Overall, Saryarka is a really cool place where lots of different animals live together and people use the land and water to survive and thrive.