ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Saturday Live (British TV programme)

Saturday Live is a TV show that is aired on British TV on Saturday nights (hence the name!). It's a comedy show, which means it's meant to make people laugh and smile.

The show features lots of different things to make you laugh. There are funny skits, which are like mini plays or scenes that are acted out by the cast members. Sometimes they make fun of things that have happened in the news or in popular culture.

There are also funny sketches, which are like cartoons or drawings that are shown on the screen. These sketches often have funny captions or dialogue to make you laugh.

Saturday Live also features musical guests who come on and sing songs. These are often well-known singers or bands, and it's really fun to hear them play their music and sing along!

The people who are on Saturday Live are usually comedians, actors or musicians who are really good at making people laugh. They work together to come up with funny ideas and jokes to make sure the show is really entertaining.

If you watch Saturday Live, you'll feel happy and have a good time. Just remember, it's all meant to be funny, so don't take anything too seriously!