ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Savoyard–Waldensian wars

Well kiddo, a long, long time ago in a place called Savoy and Waldensia, there were two groups of people who had some big disagreements. The Savoyards were the rulers of the area and they wanted everyone to follow the same religion as them which was Catholicism. But the Waldensians had different beliefs and wanted to worship in their own way, which made the Savoyards very angry.

So, the Savoyards started to fight the Waldensians, sometimes with swords and sometimes with words. It wasn't a very nice time for anyone, but eventually, the Savoyards won and forced the Waldensians to leave or convert to their religion, so they could be more like them.

But, the Waldensians didn't give up, they kept trying to follow their own beliefs and even went to live in other places where they could be free to worship as they wanted. The wars were a sad time but it showed how important it is for us to respect each other's beliefs and differences, and to try to find ways to live together peacefully.