ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey kiddo! Schizotypy is a fancy word used by scientists to describe some traits that some people have that can make them think and act in different ways than what is considered normal.

Imagine you and your friends playing a game of pretend. You might imagine yourself as a princess or a superhero, and you might talk and behave like that character for a while, but then go back to being yourself afterwards. Well, people with schizotypy have a harder time switching back to being themselves. They might think and act like they are still in that pretend world even after the game is over.

People with schizotypy can also have unusual beliefs or thoughts. They might believe in things that seem weird to others, like thinking they have special powers or can talk to animals.

Now, don't be scared. Having schizotypy doesn't mean something is wrong with you or those who have it. It's just a difference in how some people's brains work, and scientists are trying to study it to understand it better.