ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Schmidt sting pain index

The schmidt sting pain index is a tool that helps people understand how much different types of insects' stings might hurt. It was created by a man named Justin Schmidt, who wanted to study and classify the pain caused by various insect stings.

The index is made up of different levels, from 0 to 4, with 0 being the least painful and 4 being the most painful. Each level has a description that helps people understand what the pain might feel like.

For example, level 1 stings might feel like a tiny ant bite, while level 4 stings might feel like someone is drilling into your skin with a hot nail. Justin Schmidt himself described a level 4 sting as "pure, intense, brilliant pain. Like fire-walking over flaming charcoal with a 3-inch rusty nail in your heel."

The index includes stinging insects like bees, wasps, and ants, and even includes some non-stinging insects like the spiny flower mantis, which can deliver a painful bite.

Scientists use the schmidt sting pain index to study and learn more about these different insects and their behaviors, and also to help people understand how painful an insect's sting might be. And remember, even if an insect's sting is low on the index, it can still hurt and cause a reaction, so it's always important to be careful around insects!
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