ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

School violence in Belgium

So, you know how when you go to school, you are supposed to be safe, learn new things, and have fun with your friends? Well, unfortunately, in some schools in Belgium, some kids have been getting hurt or feeling scared because of something called school violence.

School violence means when kids or teachers do bad things that hurt other students. This could be things like hitting, pushing, or bullying. Sometimes, it can even be more serious things like using weapons or threats to hurt people.

Now, the people in charge of making sure schools are safe are called the government. They have been trying to find ways to make schools safer and prevent school violence in Belgium. This means they have been talking to teachers, students, and parents to figure out what they can do to help.

One thing they have tried is having special programs in schools to teach kids about being nice to each other and stopping bullying. They have also been making sure schools have good security measures to keep kids safe.

It's really important that kids feel safe and happy in school so they can learn and make new friends. So, if you ever see someone being mean to another kid in school, make sure to tell a teacher or an adult you trust so they can help.