ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Scintillating bolometer

A scintillating bolometer is a very special kind of device that can help us see things that are normally invisible to our eyes.

First, let's talk about what a bolometer is. A bolometer is a special instrument that can detect electromagnetic radiation, which is kind of like invisible light. It can detect different kinds of radiation, like ultraviolet light or even radio waves.

Now, let's add in the "scintillating" part. "Scintillating" means that something is producing flashes of light. In this case, the scintillating bolometer has a material in it that is very good at producing flashes of light when it is hit by radiation.

So, when the electromagnetic radiation (that we can't see with our eyes) hits the scintillating material, it produces little flashes of light that the bolometer can detect. This helps us measure the radiation and learn more about it.

Overall, the scintillating bolometer is a really cool tool that helps us see things that are normally invisible to us by detecting flashes of light produced by a special material.