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Scribes: The American Society of Legal Writers

So, you know how when you write something down, it becomes like a permanent record of what you said or thought? Well, scribes are like really good at making those written records, especially when it comes to legal stuff, like laws and court cases.

The American Society of Legal Writers is a group of these really good writers (scribes) who are experts at making legal documents and records. They have a special club where they all meet together to share their ideas and learn new things about writing legal stuff.

Being part of this club means they get to learn from each other and become even better at what they do. They also can help other people who need to write legal documents, like lawyers or judges.

So, in summary, scribes are really good at writing legal stuff, and the American Society of Legal Writers is like a club where they all hang out together and learn from each other to get even better.