ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Scripted sequence

Okay, kiddo, so sometimes when you watch movies or play video games, there are parts where everything seems to happen in a very specific way, like the characters do the exact same things every time you watch or play. Those parts are called scripted sequences.

Think of it like a play that you and your friends put on. You practiced and rehearsed everything that each person would say and do, so that when it's showtime, everything goes smoothly and just the way you planned it.

The people who make movies and games do the same thing - they plan out exactly what should happen, where the characters should go, and what they should say or do. This helps make sure that the story is told the way they want it to be, and that it all looks and sounds good.

So when you're watching a movie or playing a game and you see a scripted sequence, just remember that it's like a really fancy play, where everything has been planned out ahead of time!