Okay kiddo, do you know who Jesus is? Yes? Great! So the seamless robe of Jesus is a special piece of clothing that some people believe Jesus wore.
Now, do you know what seamless means? It means that there are no stitches or seams on the clothing, so it looks smooth all around. Like when you draw a circle with no parts where the line ends and starts again.
So this robe may have been woven in one piece, without any break or separate parts stitched together. It's said that because of this, the robe would have been more valuable than other clothes back then because it was harder to make.
Some people believe that when Jesus was crucified, soldiers that were there divided up his clothes among themselves. But when they got to the seamless robe, they decided not to chop it up because it was too precious.
The seamless robe is a special symbol in some churches because it represents the unity of the Christian church. People believe that just as Jesus' clothing was seamless, the church should also be united and whole.
So even though we don't know for sure if Jesus really wore a seamless robe, it's still a special thing that reminds us to be united and whole as a community. Does that make sense, little one?