ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seaside, Florida

Seaside, Florida is a really cool place to go for vacation! It's a small town that's right by the ocean, which means you can go swimming and play in the sand all day.

The town is designed to look like a big neighborhood instead of a bunch of hotels and condos, so it feels really cozy and homey. There are little shops and restaurants all around, so you can walk around and explore without having to drive anywhere.

The houses in Seaside are all unique and colorful, so you can pick which one you want to stay in based on what you like. Some are big and fancy, and some are small and cute – there's something for everyone!

One of the coolest things about Seaside is that they have a big outdoor amphitheater where they have concerts and shows. You can sit outside and watch the performers while the sun sets over the ocean – it's really pretty.

Overall, Seaside is a great place to go if you want to relax and have fun at the beach with your family. There's lots to do and see, and it's a really fun place to explore!