ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sebastian Kneipp

Sebastian Kneipp was a man who lived a long time ago and he figured out some really cool ways to make people feel better when they were sick. He believed that our bodies were kind of like a big puzzle and with the right pieces, we could stay healthy and happy.

One of the ways he did this was by using water. He would have people dip their hands and feet in really cold water and then really warm water. They would do this a bunch of times and it would help their bodies feel better.

He also believed that certain plants and herbs could help us feel better too. He would make teas out of them and have people drink them to help with things like headaches, stomachaches, and even stress.

Sebastian Kneipp was a very smart man and because of him, lots of people all over the world use his ideas to stay healthy and feel better when they're not feeling their best.