ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Second Boer War

Once upon a time, a really long time ago, there was a big war called the Second Boer War. It started because some people who lived in South Africa, called Boers, didn't like the British people who had come to live there too. The Boers thought the British people were taking their land and gold, which made them very angry.

So, the Boers decided to fight against the British people, and they fought really hard. The war lasted for almost three years, from 1899 to 1902, and it was very, very sad. Lots of people died and many families were separated.

The British had more soldiers, more guns, and more resources, but the Boers were very good at fighting, so the war was very tough for both sides. At one point, the British even put Boer families, including children, into concentration camps, which was a really horrible thing to do.

In the end, the British won the war, but they realized that they needed to treat the Boers, who were South African people, better if they wanted to live in peace together. They made some changes to how they governed South Africa, and things got better.

But even today, many people still remember the Second Boer War as a really sad time in South African history, when people fought because they didn't understand each other or try to get along. Remember, it's always important to be kind to others, even if we don't agree with them.