ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sectoral representation in the House of Representatives of the Philippines

Okay kiddo, the House of Representatives in the Philippines is a big group of people who help make important decisions for the whole country. They are like the grown-ups in charge.

Sectoral representation just means that some of the grown-ups in the House of Representatives aren't just from one place or group of people, but they represent different types of people or sectors.

For example, there are grown-ups in the House who represent farmers, workers, women, and even indigenous communities. This is important because each group has different needs and concerns, and these grown-ups can make sure their voices are heard when making laws and policies that affect them.

It's kind of like when your teacher asks the class for ideas on how to make the classroom better, and kids from different groups like the boys, girls, tall, short, and smart kids all have different suggestions. By having people who represent different groups in the House of Representatives, it helps make sure everyone's ideas are considered and included in the decisions that affect everyone in the country.