ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seder (Bible)

A seder is a special meal that Jewish people have to celebrate the holiday of Passover. Passover is when Jewish people remember a story in the Bible where they were slaves in Egypt, but were able to escape to freedom with the help of Moses.

At the seder, there is a special book called the Haggadah that tells the story of Passover. Everyone at the seder takes turns reading from the book and talking about the story.

There are also special foods that are eaten at the seder such as matzah (a flat bread that reminds us of the bread the Jewish people ate when they were leaving Egypt), maror (bitter herbs that remind us of the bitterness of slavery), and charoset (a sweet mixture of fruits and nuts that remind us of the mortar that the Jewish people used to make bricks when they were building things for the Egyptians).

During the seder, there are special prayers and blessings that are said, and everyone drinks four cups of wine or grape juice to celebrate the joy of freedom. The seder is a time for families and friends to come together and remember the important story of Passover, and to give thanks for the freedom that the Jewish people have today.