ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Segway PT

A Segway PT is a fancy two-wheeled vehicle that you can ride around on. It's kind of like a scooter, but instead of pushing it with your foot, it stays upright all by itself!

You stand on a platform in between the two wheels and hold onto a handlebar that goes up high. If you lean forward just a little bit, the Segway PT will start moving forwards too! And if you lean backwards, it'll slow down or even stop.

The Segway PT is really clever because it has lots of sensors inside that can tell when you're leaning forwards or backwards, and it uses little motors to keep you balanced on the wheels. It's kind of like having a really smart robot helping you ride around!

People like to use Segway PTs for all sorts of things, like zipping around a city on a guided tour, or getting around a big factory or warehouse. They're also really fun to ride just for the sake of it!