ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Select (SQL)

"Select" is like playing a game where you have to pick out certain things based on the instructions given. In SQL, it's a way to get information from a database by telling it what you want to see.

It's like going to a toy store and picking out all the toys that are blue. You tell the store worker to "select" all the blue toys, and they bring them to you.

In SQL, you tell the database to "select" certain columns (or pieces of information) from a table, based on certain conditions. So, if you wanted to see all the customers whose name starts with "S", you would "select" their names from the customer table where their name starts with "S".

Once you "select" this information, you can use it to do different things, like display it on a website or use it for calculations. So, "select" is an important tool in getting the information you need from a database.