ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Self-flagellation is when a person hurts themselves on purpose as a way to punish themselves or show devotion to a religion or cause. It can involve hitting or whipping oneself with a tool called a whip, or wearing a device called a cilice that causes discomfort to the skin.

Imagine you did something bad and felt really guilty about it. Instead of talking to someone or doing something positive to make up for it, you decided to hit yourself with a stick to make yourself feel better. That's what self-flagellation is like.

Why would someone do this? Sometimes people think it will make them feel better or somehow "cleanse" them of their sins. Others believe it is a way to show their dedication to a certain religion or cause.

However, self-flagellation can be dangerous and harmful to a person's physical and mental health. It is important to seek help from someone else if you are experiencing feelings of guilt, shame, or self-harm.