ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Self-immolation is when a person sets themselves on fire. This is a very dangerous thing to do and can cause serious harm or even death.

People who self-immolate often do it as a form of protest. They feel strongly about something and want to draw attention to their cause. By setting themselves on fire, they hope to get people to pay attention to their message.

Sometimes, people who self-immolate are trying to bring attention to political causes. They may be protesting an unjust government or oppression of some kind. Other times, people may self-immolate for personal reasons, such as when they are deeply depressed or feel like they have no hope in life.

While self-immolation is not a common form of protest, it can be very powerful. People who self-immolate are making a big sacrifice in order to draw attention to their cause. However, it is also important to remember that there are other ways to bring attention to important causes that do not involve such drastic measures.
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