ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Self-immolation protests by Tibetans in China

Ok, kiddo. So, you know how sometimes people get really, really upset or angry about things? Like how sometimes when you get really upset or angry, you might want to yell or throw something? Sometimes, people feel so upset or angry about things that they think they need to do something more serious to make a point or change things.

Well, the people called Tibetans who live in China have been really upset and angry for a long time about how they are being treated by the government that rules over them. They feel like they are being treated unfairly and they want things to change. Some of these Tibetans have decided that they need to do something really, really big to try to get people to pay attention to what is happening to them.

So, some of these Tibetans have chosen to do something called self-immolation. This means that they douse themselves in fuel and then light themselves on fire. This is a really dangerous thing to do, and it often means that the person will die. But the people who choose to do this think that it is worth it because they want to show how much they care about what is happening to their people.

They hope that by hurting themselves in this way, they will draw attention to the problems that they are facing and get people to pay attention to what they are going through. It's a really extreme thing to do, but they feel like they don't have any other way to be heard.

It's really sad that these people feel like they have to do this, but it's important to try to understand why they feel so strongly that they need to take such drastic actions.