ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Senior management

Okay, so imagine you are the boss of a really big company. There are lots of people who work there, and they all have different jobs to do. But some people are more important than others – they are the ones who make the big decisions that affect the whole company. We call those people “senior management”.

Senior management are kind of like the grown-ups at a party. They are in charge of everything that’s going on, and they have to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Just like how a grown-up at a party might have to make sure that everyone is having fun and not getting into any fights, senior management has to make sure that the company is making enough money, hiring the right people, and following all the rules.

There are different levels of senior management, just like there are different kinds of grown-ups at a party. The highest level is usually called the “CEO”, which stands for Chief Executive Officer. That’s the very top boss, who has the most responsibility for the whole company. There are also other important people who are part of senior management, like the Chief Financial Officer (who looks after the money) and the Chief Operations Officer (who looks after how the company works).

So, in summary, senior management are the very important grown-ups who make all the big decisions at a company. They have to make sure that everything runs smoothly and that the company makes enough money. Just like how grown-ups at a party have to make sure that everyone is having fun and not getting into trouble.