ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Separation of duties

Separation of duties means that when different tasks are done, they are divided up into different jobs or peoples to make sure that no one person can control everything. It's like with your toys. You might have a toy box where you keep your toys, and your friend might have a toy box too. You both have your own toys and you play with them, but you don't mix them up. This way, you can make sure that everything stays organized and that you get to play with your own toys.

In the same way, when grown-ups work on things, they make sure that different people have different jobs so that everyone can do their own thing and nothing gets mixed up. This way, it's harder for someone to cheat or do something bad because everyone is keeping an eye on each other. For example, if one person has to sign a check to pay for something, another person will check to make sure that the amount is correct and everything looks okay before the check is sent out.

Overall, separation of duties is like making sure that everyone has their own job to do and that they work together to make sure everything gets done correctly.