ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Separation process

Separation process means dividing or separating a mixture into its individual components. Let's think of it like a bag of candy. The bag has different types of candies mixed together. Separating them means taking each type of candy out of the bag and putting them in separate bowls.

Sometimes, we need to separate things that are really tiny and cannot be seen with our eyes, like sugar dissolved in water. We can use a process called distillation. Distillation uses heat to turn the mixture into a gas. The gas is then cooled back into a liquid, which separates the sugar and water.

Another way to separate mixtures is by using a filter. Filters work like a strainer. It takes out the bigger pieces from the mixture. When we make coffee, we pour hot water over the ground coffee beans. The hot water dissolves the coffee and we get a mixture. We can use a filter to take out the solid coffee beans, leaving us with just the coffee liquid.

There are many different separation processes we use every day. We might not realize it, but we separate things all the time. We sort the laundry into different piles, we throw trash away, and we even separate our foods on our plates. All these things help us keep things organized and make our lives easier.