ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Septic system

A septic system is like a special toilet for your house. Instead of the poo and pee going down the regular toilet and into the sewer, it goes into a big tank in the ground outside your house.

Once the poo and pee is in the tank, it gets broken down into smaller parts by tiny bugs called bacteria. These bacteria eat the poo and pee and turn it into something called "sludge." The sludge sinks to the bottom of the tank, while the leftover water (called "effluent") floats to the top.

The effluent then gets sent through pipes into a special area in your yard called a drain field. It's like a big garden bed made of gravel and soil. The soil helps clean the effluent of any remaining germs before it goes back into the ground.

Your septic tank needs to be cleaned by a special truck every few years to get rid of the sludge that's built up at the bottom of the tank. If you take good care of your septic system, it will work great and keep your home's poo and pee away from other people's homes!