ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so have you ever heard of a sessho-seki? It's actually a Japanese mythological story about a cursed stone.

Legend says that a long, long time ago, there was a beautiful princess named Takiyasha who had a magic mirror that allowed her to see the future. She used this mirror to help her father, who was a powerful sorcerer, in his battles against his enemies.

One day, a brave warrior named Yoshitsune came to challenge Takiyasha's father. Takiyasha was so impressed by Yoshitsune's bravery that she fell in love with him. However, her father didn't like that she had fallen for an enemy and he became very angry.

He decided to curse a large boulder that was nearby and turned it into a sessho-seki. This meant that anyone who touched it would turn to stone. When Yoshitsune tried to cross the stone, he was turned to stone instantly.

The cursed stone became known as the "Killing Stone" and was feared by everyone. It was said that the stone would emit a deadly poison that could kill plants and animals, so people avoided going near it.

So, that's the story of the sessho-seki. It's a legend about a cursed stone that was created as a result of love, anger, or misfortune depending on whom you ask. Whether it's real or not, the story still lives on, and people still talk about it today.