ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Set operations (SQL)

Imagine you have a bunch of toys and your friend has a bunch of toys too. Set operations in SQL are like playing with these toys and sorting them based on what they have in common or what makes them different.

Union operation is like putting all the toys from both of your sets together in one big pile. You now have a pile of toys that has all the toys from your set and your friend's set.

Intersection operation is like looking at both of your sets of toys and only keeping the toys that you both have. It's like if you and your friend both have a toy car, then you keep those toy cars and put aside all the rest of the toys.

Difference operation is like looking at your set of toys and taking away the toys that are also in your friend's set. For example, if you have a teddy bear and your friend doesn't have a teddy bear, you get to keep your teddy bear and take it out of the pile of toys to share with your friend if you want.

These set operations in SQL work just like toys. It helps to organize data and make it easier to understand and work with.