ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seton Hall study

Okay, kiddo, today we're going to talk about the Seton Hall study.

When people want to learn things about the world, they often do something called a study. It's kind of like a big test where they ask lots of questions and try to find answers.

The Seton Hall study was a special kind of study called a survey. A survey is like a really big question asked to lots and lots of people. In this survey, the people asked were college students.

The people running the study wanted to learn about college students and alcohol. Alcohol is a kind of drink that some people like to drink, but it can be dangerous if you drink too much of it.

So, the survey asked the college students questions about how often they drank alcohol, how much they drank, and how it made them feel. The answers to these questions could help the people running the study understand how college students use alcohol, and maybe help them figure out ways to keep college students safe.

In the end, the study found a lot of interesting things. For example, it found that most college students drink alcohol, but not everyone drinks the same amount. It also found that some college students drink more than they planned to, and some even drink until they get sick. This is not safe or healthy behavior.

So, the Seton Hall study was an important survey that helped us learn about college students and alcohol. The study can help other people make decisions about how to keep college students safe and healthy.