ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Settler colonialism in Canada

Okay, little one, let's start with understanding what "settler colonialism" means. Do you know what a colony is? It's like when people from one country go and live in another place that isn't their home country. They might even make that new place like it is their old country, but it's not really.

Now, imagine the settlers staying in that new place for a really long time, and not considering that the people who lived there before them already had their own homes and way of life. They might even take over the land and resources that originally belonged to those people. That's when it starts becoming settler colonialism.

In Canada, settlers from Europe started arriving in the 16th century and eventually took over the land and resources from Indigenous peoples who already called Canada their home. These settlers brought their own culture and ways of doing things, and often didn't recognize or respect the cultures and traditions of Indigenous peoples.

The settlers also created their own laws and government that didn't always consider the needs and perspectives of Indigenous peoples. This led to many injustices, such as forced removal from their lands, residential schools where Indigenous children were taken away from their families and communities to be assimilated, and the suppression of Indigenous languages and cultures.

It's important to recognize that settler colonialism still has an impact in Canada today, as Indigenous peoples continue to face many challenges and inequities. We should always treat all people with respect and try to learn about their cultures and histories to create a more just and equitable society.