ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seven Cities of Gold

A long, long time ago, a group of people called the Spanish were exploring the land that is now America. They heard stories from the people who lived there about cities made of gold. They got so excited about the idea of finding these cities that they started to search everywhere to see if they could find them.

The Spanish were led by a man named Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, who was very determined to find these cities of gold. He and his men traveled for years, searching high and low, looking for any clues that might lead them to the cities. They crossed deserts, climbed mountains, and even went through many dangerous battles.

Unfortunately, after all of their searching, they never actually found any cities of gold. But they did discover a lot of other interesting things along the way, like new plants and animals, new cultures and ways of living, and even some rich mines where they could extract other valuable materials.

Today, the legend of the Seven Cities of Gold lives on as a reminder of the excitement and adventure that early explorers experienced while they explored new lands and discovered new things.