ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seven Laws of Noah

Imagine you and your friends are playing games together, but sometimes you don't agree on things or don't know how to act. Just like this, a long time ago there were different people with different beliefs and traditions, and they needed some basic rules to follow so they could all get along.

The Seven Laws of Noah are seven simple and important rules that people from different beliefs and religions can follow to live a peaceful life together. These laws were named after Noah, a wise and respected person in many religions who lived a long, long time ago.

The first law is to follow rules and laws. Just like how you have rules and laws at school or at home, adults should also follow rules that are fair for everyone in society.

The second law is to believe in and respect one God. Some people believe that there are many gods, while others believe in only one God. It's important to respect other people's beliefs even if they are different from our own.

The third law is to not kill anyone, harm others, or take away their freedom. That means we should not hurt or harm other people, not even animals or nature. We should also not take things that are not ours or kidnap people.

The fourth law is to respect family and marriage. That means we should not cheat on our partners or break family bonds, and we should also be respectful towards our parents and other family members.

The fifth law is to not steal. We should always ask permission before taking something that belongs to someone else, and we should not take things that are not ours to begin with.

The sixth law is to not speak badly of others or lie about them. We should always be truthful and honest, and should not spread rumors or gossip about other people.

The seventh and final law is to set up a fair legal system. This means that there should be laws and a way to enforce them fairly for everyone. People who do wrong things should be held accountable for their actions, and punishment should be fair and just for everyone involved.

Following these seven simple laws can help people of different beliefs and backgrounds to live together in peace and harmony.