ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seven Lucky Gods

The seven lucky gods are a group of special beings from Japan who are said to bring good luck and happiness to people. They are called 'lucky' because they are believed to bring good things like success, good health, and wealth. They are also called 'gods' because they are powerful and can make things happen.

The seven lucky gods are: Ebisu, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, Fukurokuju, Benzaiten, Hotei, and Jurojin. Each of them has their own unique look and special abilities.

Ebisu is the god of fishermen and luck in business. He's usually shown as a happy guy with a fishing rod and a big red fish.

Daikokuten is the god of wealth and prosperity. He's usually shown carrying a big sack of treasures and standing on bales of rice.

Bishamonten is the god of good fortune in battle and wealth. He is often depicted wearing armor and holding a spear and a small pagoda.

Fukurokuju is the god of happiness, wisdom and longevity. He has an abnormally long head and is sometimes shown holding a staff with a peach on the end.

Benzaiten is the goddess of knowledge, music, and art. She is often depicted playing a musical instrument called a biwa.

Hotei is the god of contentment, happiness, and abundance. He's usually shown as a large, jolly man with a big belly and a cloth sack.

Jurojin is the god of longevity and wisdom. He has a white beard and is often depicted holding a scroll.

People in Japan believe that if you have an image or statue of the seven lucky gods in your home, it will bring you good luck and prosperity. There are even festivals and parades dedicated to these gods, where people dress up in colorful costumes and carry statues of the seven lucky gods through the streets.

So, in short, the seven lucky gods are a group of powerful beings from Japan who bring good luck and happiness to people.