ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seven Seas

Okay kiddo, have you ever looked at a map and seen blue areas that show where the water is? Those are called oceans, and there are seven of them that people often call the "seven seas." The oceans are big, big bodies of saltwater that cover most of the Earth. They are connected and flow into each other, so people often talk about them all together.

But did you know that people have different ideas about which specific seas count as the "seven seas"? Some people think they are the Arctic, Antarctic, North Pacific, South Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. Others might count different seas, or divide some of those oceans into parts.

No matter which seven seas you are talking about, they are all really important to our planet. They are full of plants and animals, and the water supports life all around the world. People use the seas for transportation, fishing, and recreation. But because the oceans are so big, they can also be dangerous and difficult to protect. So everyone needs to work together to take care of the seven seas and keep them healthy for generations to come.
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