ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seven Social Sins

Okay kiddo, so you know how there are things that are good for us to do, like being kind and sharing our toys? Well, there are also things that are not so good for us to do, and those are called sins. Now, there's this guy named Mahatma Gandhi who made a list of seven social sins that he thought were really bad for everyone in society. Let's go through each one together!

1. Politics without principles: You know how sometimes adults play games and cheat to win? That's like how some politicians might do things that aren't fair or honest to win their elections or get more power. That's not a good thing to do, and it hurts everyone.

2. Wealth without work: Have you ever heard the saying "money doesn't grow on trees?" well, it's true. You have to work hard to earn money, you can't just expect to get it without doing anything. Some people might inherit money without working for it, but that's not fair to everyone else who has to work to make ends meet.

3. Commerce without morality: Do you know what commerce means? It's a fancy word for buying and selling things. Now, it's okay to buy and sell things as long as you're not tricking people or selling things that hurt others. You have to be moral, which means doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

4. Education without character: Education is really important, and it's important to learn things like math and science. But it's also really important to learn about being a good person and how to treat others with kindness and respect. That's character, and it's just as important as book smarts.

5. Pleasure without conscience: When we do things that make us happy, we have to be careful not to hurt others or do things that aren't allowed. We need to have a conscience, which is like a little voice inside that tells us when something is right or wrong.

6. Science without humanity: Science is really cool because it helps us understand things about the world that we didn't know before. But sometimes scientists might do things that hurt living things or do things that are really dangerous. We need to use science to help people and make the world a better place.

7. Worship without sacrifice: Worship means going to church or praying to God. It's really important to do these things, but we also need to make sacrifices to help others. Like, we might give up some of our toys or clothes to help people who don't have as much as we do. That's what Jesus did, and we should try to follow his example.

So these are the seven social sins that Gandhi thought were really bad. He believed that if people stopped doing these things, the world would be a better place for everyone. What do you think, kiddo? Do you think we should try to avoid these sins?