ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seven Wonders of the World (film)

Ah, hello there little one! Well, the Seven Wonders of the World is a really cool film that talks about seven amazing structures that were built a long, long time ago. These structures were so incredible in their time that people kept talking about them even to this day!

Now, do you know what a wonder is? It's something very special and amazing that makes people say "Wow!" Have you ever seen a giant building or a really beautiful waterfall and thought, "That's so cool!"? Well, that's kind of what these seven wonders are like.

The first wonder is the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. It's a huge triangle-shaped building that has been standing for thousands of years. People are still amazed at how the ancient Egyptians were able to build something so big and complicated!

Next is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Iraq. Imagine a beautiful garden that is built on top of a giant tower! That's what the Hanging Gardens were like. It's said that they were built for a queen who missed the beautiful gardens back home.

Then there's the Temple of Artemis in Turkey. It was a beautiful temple that was built to honor the Greek goddess Artemis. It was so big and pretty that people traveled from far away just to see it.

The fourth wonder is the Statue of Zeus in Greece. It was a giant statue of the Greek god Zeus, who was really important to the people of Greece. The statue was made of gold and ivory, and it was so big that it took up almost an entire room!

Fifth is the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus in Turkey. It was a big tomb built for a king and queen. It was decorated with beautiful artwork and was so impressive that it became one of the most famous buildings in the world.

The sixth wonder is the Colossus of Rhodes in Greece. It was a huge statue of the sun god Helios that stood at the entrance to a harbor. It was so big that ships could sail between its legs!

Lastly, there's the Lighthouse at Alexandria, which was in Egypt. It was a really tall and brightly lit lighthouse that helped ships sail safely into the harbor. People say it was one of the most impressive structures of its time.

So there you have it, the Seven Wonders of the World! Aren't they amazing? Even though they were built a really long time ago, people are still talking about them today because they were so impressive and special.