Okay kiddo, so in the Gospel of John, there are seven signs or miracles that Jesus did to show that he was the son of God. Let's talk about them!
1. Turning water into wine: At a wedding party, Jesus turned some water into wine. This showed that he had the power to perform miracles and that he was special.
2. Healing the official's son: A man whose son was very sick asked Jesus to heal him. Jesus did, even though he was far away from the sick boy. This showed that Jesus had the power to heal people, even from far away.
3. Healing the paralyzed man: A man who was paralyzed couldn't walk, but Jesus healed him so that he could walk again. This showed that Jesus had the power to heal people who were very sick or injured.
4. Feeding the five thousand: Jesus took only a small amount of bread and fish and was able to feed a huge crowd of people. This showed that Jesus had the power to provide for people's needs.
5. Walking on water: Jesus walked on top of the water without sinking. This showed that he had power over nature and that he was very special.
6. Healing the blind man: A man who was blind from birth was healed by Jesus. This showed that Jesus had the power to give people sight and that he cared for all people, even those who were sick or disabled.
7. Raising Lazarus from the dead: Lazarus was dead for four days, but Jesus brought him back to life. This showed that Jesus had the power to overcome even death, and that he was very special indeed.
So these signs, or miracles, helped people believe that Jesus was the son of God and that he had the power to do amazing things.