ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seven-dimensional cross product

So imagine you have some toys that are shaped like arrows - they have a pointy end and a flat end with little feathers sticking out. Now imagine that you have seven of these arrows lined up next to each other, all pointing in different directions.

When you do a "cross product" on two of these arrows, it's like making a new arrow that is perpendicular to both of the original arrows. So if you have two arrows that are pointing straight up and straight to the right, the cross product would give you a new arrow that is pointing straight towards you (perpendicular to both the up arrow and the right arrow).

Now, normally you can only do a cross product on three-dimensional objects - things that have height, width, and depth. But some math people figured out that you can actually extend the idea of a cross product to seven-dimensional objects!

If you have seven arrows pointing in different directions, you can do a seven-dimensional cross product to get a new arrow that is perpendicular to all of the original arrows. This new arrow is like a "super-arrow", with qualities from all seven of the original arrows combined into one.

It's not super easy to visualize or understand, but basically the seven-dimensional cross product lets you combine a bunch of different arrows into one really powerful arrow that points in a unique direction.
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