ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sexual orientation change efforts and the LDS Church

Imagine you really like the color blue, but some people keep telling you that you should like red instead. They may try to convince you to change your mind and start liking red. This is what some people do when they think someone should change who they are attracted to. They may try to make someone who likes people of the same gender start liking people of a different gender instead. This is called sexual orientation change efforts.

The LDS Church, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is a church that believes in Jesus and has many members around the world. Some people in this church believe that everyone should only have romantic and sexual relationships with people of the opposite gender. They may think that being attracted to someone of the same gender is bad, and that people should change this part of themselves.

However, many people and organizations believe that sexual orientation change efforts are not helpful or healthy. Trying to change who someone is attracted to can cause a lot of stress and mental health problems. It is important for everyone to be allowed to be who they are and love who they want without judgement or pressure to change.