ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sexuality in China

Sexuality in China is a way that people in China express themselves and their feelings towards other people, including attraction and love. In China, people have different sexual orientations, including straight (liking people of the opposite gender), gay (liking people of the same gender), and bisexual (liking people of both genders).

However, sex in China is still considered a somewhat taboo subject, and people may not feel comfortable talking about it openly. Sex education is not always available in schools, and many people may get their information about sex from the internet or other sources that might not provide accurate information.

In China, there is not yet full legal recognition for same-sex marriage, but attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community are slowly changing and becoming more accepting. Many young people in China are more open-minded about sexuality than older generations.

Overall, sexuality in China is an evolving topic, and as society changes and becomes more progressive, so too may attitudes towards different sexual orientations.