A shape-memory polymer is like magic Lego that can change its shape when you heat it up, and then go back to the original shape when it cools down!
Imagine you have a toy made of this special Lego – let’s say it’s a car. When it’s cold, the car looks a certain way, like a flat rectangle. But, when you hold it over a heater, or put it in hot water, it starts to change its shape, and becomes round and curved, like a real car!
But the amazing thing is: once the car has been heated up and changed its shape, you can then cool it down again, and it will go back to being a flat rectangle again! It’s like having a toy that can transform from one thing to another, and then back again, just by changing temperature!
Scientists use these magical shape-memory polymers for all sorts of things, like in medical implants that change shape inside our bodies once they get to where they need to be. Or in clothing that can self-repair when it’s damaged. The possibilities are endless!