The shift-and-persist model is a way of looking at investing that's sort of like playing a game. You start with a certain amount of money, and you use it to buy a bunch of small parts of different companies. Then, over time, you keep an eye on those parts (called stocks) to see which ones are doing well and which ones aren't.
The "shift" part of the model means that you keep changing which stocks you're investing in based on how they're doing. For example, if one of the stocks you own is doing really well, you might decide to put more of your money into it to try and make even more money. Or if one of your stocks starts doing badly, you might sell it and use that money to buy parts of a different company instead.
The "persist" part of the model means that you don't give up on investing just because one of your stocks isn't performing well at the moment. Instead, you keep watching and waiting to see if things change. Sometimes, stocks can bounce back and start doing well again even after they've had a bad spell.
So, in short, the shift-and-persist model is a way of investing where you keep shifting (changing) which stocks you're investing in based on how they're doing, while persisting (not giving up) on your overall investment strategy over time.